2011-09-25 : Website Template Updated : v2.20.0


  1. Added the option of a PayPal donate button above the first category heading with a few more variables to configure it. The heading used will be a link to a page of the same name, so there needs to be one in /hidden_pages.
  2. Moved the "Contact" captcha to below the comment field and changed "question" to "captcha".
  3. Improved the page title for:
    • "News.php"
    • "Image.php"
    • "Text Viewer.php"
    • "Latest Updates.php"
    • "Website Stats.php"
    All done with a new include file "/includes/meta_title.php" to check for the page call before the page is displayed. Also allows a user definable file to perform similar tasks for their own pages.
  4. Removed meta tag "description" as it was exactly the same content as the title, but was throwing up HTML warnings with Google Web Stats.
  5. Improved the advertising of news feeds, since some servers present the username of the install which may not be desirable. User can now fix how the feeds are advertised.
  6. Allow the user to chose their own captcha question / answers by creating a file called ./user_includes/botty_q_and_a.php where they are listed.
  7. Now filters out any dodgy re-direct requests that have come through as %2520 for a space in the URL... just in case the .htaccess rules aren't working properly.

New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)

  1. $my_paypal_donate
  2. $my_paypal_donate_header
  3. $my_paypal_donate_button_id
  4. $my_paypal_donate_image
  5. $my_feed_path

Bug Fixes


See the downloads page.

2011-05-03 : Desktop PC Upgrade - Graphics Card

Latest upgrade for my Decktop PC:

2011-03-19 : Website Template Updated : v2.19.0

Any users upgrading will need to update their style sheets - see enhancement 1.


  1. Added "permalink" links to each news item, both on the News feed and on the Home page page. Requires two more style sheet <div> definitions called perma_link_h3 (for News feed) and perma_link_h4 (for Home page). It will sit under the heading using the default style sheets.

New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)


Bug Fixes


See the downloads page.

2011-02-19 : Website Template Updated : v2.18.0


  1. Added the facility for a photo album without all of the comments: just displays the thumbnails in a grid.
  2. Added the "top" image of "blue" and "wide_blue" style sheets which I'd somehow missed in 2.17.0! Small tweek to the style sheets to make it work too.

New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)


Bug Fixes

None (unless you call #2 above a bug).

See the downloads page.

2011-01-11 : Website Template Updated : v2.17.0


  1. Added option to disable displaying the page list.
  2. Added "top" and "bottom" <div>s to the output.

New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)

  1. $my_disable_page_list

Bug Fixes

  1. Oops - accidentally deleted a line from <setup.php> to set a "cookie" for the locking of the stats files! Fixed now.

See the downloads page.

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[ News feed last updated Sat 9th Nov 2024 | viewed 157528 times ]