2011-09-25 : Website Template Updated : v2.20.0
- Added the option of a PayPal donate button above the first category heading with a few more variables to configure it. The heading used will be a link to a page of the same name, so there needs to be one in /hidden_pages.
- Moved the "Contact" captcha to below the comment field and changed "question" to "captcha".
Improved the page title for:
- "News.php"
- "Image.php"
- "Text Viewer.php"
- "Latest Updates.php"
- "Website Stats.php"
- Removed meta tag "description" as it was exactly the same content as the title, but was throwing up HTML warnings with Google Web Stats.
- Improved the advertising of news feeds, since some servers present the username of the install which may not be desirable. User can now fix how the feeds are advertised.
- Allow the user to chose their own captcha question / answers by creating a file called ./user_includes/botty_q_and_a.php where they are listed.
- Now filters out any dodgy re-direct requests that have come through as %2520 for a space in the URL... just in case the .htaccess rules aren't working properly.
New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)
- $my_paypal_donate
- $my_paypal_donate_header
- $my_paypal_donate_button_id
- $my_paypal_donate_image
- $my_feed_path
Bug Fixes
See the downloads page.
2011-05-03 : Desktop PC Upgrade - Graphics Card
Latest upgrade for my Decktop PC:
- Gigabyte GV-N440D3-1GI (nVidia GeForce 440 GT, 1GiByte)
2011-03-19 : Website Template Updated : v2.19.0
Any users upgrading will need to update their style sheets - see enhancement 1.
- Added "permalink" links to each news item, both on the News feed and on the Home page page. Requires two more style sheet <div> definitions called perma_link_h3 (for News feed) and perma_link_h4 (for Home page). It will sit under the heading using the default style sheets.
New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)
Bug Fixes
See the downloads page.
2011-02-19 : Website Template Updated : v2.18.0
- Added the facility for a photo album without all of the comments: just displays the thumbnails in a grid.
- Added the "top" image of "blue" and "wide_blue" style sheets which I'd somehow missed in 2.17.0! Small tweek to the style sheets to make it work too.
New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)
Bug Fixes
None (unless you call #2 above a bug).
See the downloads page.
2011-01-11 : Website Template Updated : v2.17.0
- Added option to disable displaying the page list.
- Added "top" and "bottom" <div>s to the output.
New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)
- $my_disable_page_list
Bug Fixes
- Oops - accidentally deleted a line from <setup.php> to set a "cookie" for the locking of the stats files! Fixed now.
See the downloads page.

Computing Power
- Acer Aspire R3700
- Acknowledgements
- Desktop PC *
- Eee PC 4G (701)
- Eee PC 901
- Gigabit Network *
- Inspiron 14 5485 Laptop *
- Kids PC 1
- Kids PC 2
- Media PC
- Mini-ITX PC
- My Useful Scripts
- Nano ITX PC
- Nook Simple Touch
- Processing Power
- Raspberry Pi
- Sharp Zaurus SL-C3200
- Storage Capacity
- The Server *
- What Is Firmware
(* updated in last 14 days)