File [scripts/]

1  #!/bin/sh
2  base_dir="${HOME}/Music"
3  hq_dir="highest-quality-links"
4  music_dir="flac mp3-320kbit mp3-240kbit mp3-160kbit mp3-128kbit"
5  # Create a tmp directory for dumps
6  tmpy=/tmp/hq_music_linker
7  if [ ! -d "${tmpy}" ]; then
8    mkdir ${tmpy}
9  fi
10  # Flush out the hq directory first of all
11  rm -Rf ${base_dir}/${hq_dir}/*
12  artists=0
13  albums=0
14  for this_high_dir in ${music_dir}
15  do
16    # Scan for artists
17    echo "Scanning ${this_high_dir} directory ..."
18    ls -1 "${base_dir}/${this_high_dir}" > ${tmpy}/${this_high_dir}
19    while read artist
20    do
21      # Work out if we already have a directory for this artist
22      if [ ! -d "${base_dir}/${hq_dir}/${artist}" ]; then
23          mkdir "${base_dir}/${hq_dir}/${artist}"
24          artists=`expr $artists + 1`
25      fi
26      # Scan for tracks
27      echo " Found ${artist} - scanning for albums ..."
28      ls -1 "${base_dir}/${this_high_dir}/${artist}" > ${tmpy}/${this_high_dir}-${artist}
29      while read album
30      do
31        # Create a symbolic link to the album
32        if [ ! -L "${base_dir}/${hq_dir}/${artist}/${album}" ]; then
33          echo " Linking to ${album}"
34  ln -s "../../${this_high_dir}/${artist}/${album}" "${base_dir}/${hq_dir}/${artist}/${album}"
35          albums=`expr $albums + 1`
36        fi
37      done <${tmpy}/${this_high_dir}-${artist}
38    done <${tmpy}/${this_high_dir}
39  done
40  echo ""
41  echo "Found and linked ${artists} artists and ${albums} albums." Digg Facebook Google LinkedIn LiveJournal NewsVine reddit StumbleUpon Twitter
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[ Page last updated Fri 5th Apr 2024 | viewed 23808 times ]