2024-02-29 : Faster Server Processor
One evening (after the kids had said that Minecraft was a bit laggy when playing on my server from their Mum's house), I decided to see what was available in the Intel Xeon E3 v5 family of processors in the second hand market (well, it was launched in 2016, so not likely to still be available new), as that's what my server is compatible with.
Well, I found a Quad Core Intel Xeon E3-1280 v5 (3.7GHz, 4.0GHz Turbo) for a very reasonable price to replace the Quad Core Intel Xeon E3-1225 v5 (3.3GHz, 3.7GHz Turbo) that it came with and had been purring away quite happily.
Luckily, from previous upgrades of the kids' PCs, I had a couple of spare graphics cards, as the E3-1280 doesn't have built-in graphics like the E3-1225 does. Anyway, the swap went without a hitch (apart from having to order heat-sink compound as I'd actually ran out!)
Unfortunately, the kids haven't tried Minecraft again yet to see if it made a difference, or if it was simply (as I suspect) network lag.
2024-02-13 : At Last - A Use For My Zero-W
So obviously, when the Raspberry Pi Zero W was released, I bought one and "played" with it for a couple of days. However, it was sitting idle for years when I finally decided to do something with it! So, it's now my MPD Monitor!

Computing Power
- Acer Aspire R3700
- Acknowledgements
- Desktop PC *
- Eee PC 4G (701)
- Eee PC 901
- Gigabit Network *
- Inspiron 14 5485 Laptop *
- Kids PC 1
- Kids PC 2
- Media PC
- Mini-ITX PC
- My Useful Scripts
- Nano ITX PC
- Nook Simple Touch
- Processing Power
- Raspberry Pi
- Sharp Zaurus SL-C3200
- Storage Capacity
- The Server *
- What Is Firmware