Conival & Ben More Assynt


Conival : 3238 feet (987m)
Ben More Assynt : 3274 feet (998m)


26th March 2005


  • None

This was another work's walk with 9 of us on the trip. The day started of very well for March with the clouds rolling over the tops of the hills but as we got beyond the summit of Conival, the clouds got thicker until coming back from Ben More Assynt, visibility was down to 50 feet.

It was a good walk, ranging from boggy marsh land to sharp rocks and even snow. Unfortunately, my knees packed in on the way down and I'd have been lost without my walking poles which helped me down. There is a pattern developing here with me knees - anyone know how to fix them?


  1. The ascent up to Conival, from this point the route swings around into the valley on the left.
  2. The ridge leading up to Conival where we top out.
  3. Ben More Assynt viewed from the top of Conival.
  4. The walk along the ridge between Conival and Ben More Assynt.
  5. The very top of Ben More Assynt.

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