Installing A Touchscreen
Caution - not for those of a nervous disposition!
The next of my modifications to me Eee was to fit a touchscreen - well having used PDAs for years and being used to a touchscreen on a small computer ... it just had to be done ;-)
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a lot of photos during this procedure as I was following this procedure for performing the modification. I would highly recommend following this as my Eee lid pretty much fully closes with the touchscreen in place - I've seen others that have a large gap!
There are many places inside the Eee that you can fit a touchscreen controller - you don't necessarily have to put one in the same place as me. However, using double sided sticky tape is a good way to mount it!
So here's how I did it - see how to dismantle the Eee first and then read on ...
Tools required
- No.1 Philips screwdriver (not pozidrive)
- Anti-static wrist band
- Small flat screwdriver
- Fine tipped soldering iron (0.5mm)
- 30awg solder
- Liquid flux
- 30awg wire (green and white) for USB signals
- 24awg / 26awg wire (red and black) for USB power
- Wire strippers
- Tweezers
- Hot glue gun (with glue)
- Magnifying glass
- digital multi-meter
- double sided sticky tape
- kitchen roll
As before, twist some lengths of green and white wire together, then strip and tin the ends of them.

Computing Power
- Acer Aspire R3700
- Acknowledgements
- Desktop PC *
- Eee PC 4G (701)
- Eee PC 901
- Gigabit Network *
- Inspiron 14 5485 Laptop *
- Kids PC 1
- Kids PC 2
- Media PC
- Mini-ITX PC
- My Useful Scripts
- Nano ITX PC
- Nook Simple Touch
- Processing Power
- Raspberry Pi
- Sharp Zaurus SL-C3200
- Storage Capacity
- The Server *
- What Is Firmware