Downloads from GavsWorld

Here you can download any software that I write and am willing to offer to the world free of charge (for non-commercial use).

If you are using any of my software and think to yourself, "This is wonderful, I would have quite happily paid someone to do that for me" (or words to that effect) then please feel free to donate to my beer and gadget fund :-)

Also, if you wish to use any of this software for commercial gains, then I expect a donation to my beer and gadget fund - as specified in the license for the individual package.


GavsWorld Website Template

Current version: v2.23.3



If you like the look and feel of this website, then the PHP scripts and style sheets are available to download, along with sample pages and images. You can then build your own website around them since everything is customisable.

Important Note

Please note that this package contains all example pages to get you started and teach you how the software works. It is intended primarily for an initial installation. If you wish to download purely a software update, then please select the Website Software package.

User Manual / Live Preview

Here's a live preview of what you're getting in this package. A detailed description of the workings of the software is in the package itself, as well as in the live preview.

Websites currently known to be using this website template
  1. Brucel The Drummer
  2. Machinary Music
  3. Comedy of Errors

( I am not responsible for the content of these pages )


The contents of the package are provided with no warranty what-so-ever. You are using the contents at your own risk.

Gavin Cameron has tested the PHP and it has no known bugs, but that's not to say that there aren't any. So if you find any, either let Gavin know or fix them yourself and then let Gavin know.

The package is free to use / modify / redistribute for non-commercial use.

Credit where credit is due: please leave the link to in the footer of the page as is present in the code.

If you are developing a website for a third party using this package and are charging money for the service, then 20% of the chargeable amount or UK£100 (whichever is greatest) shall be paid to Gavin Cameron using the "Donate" button on this page.

If you are using this package for producing a commercial, profit making website, then you shall pay Gavin Cameron the fee of UK£100 using the "Donate" button on this page.

Download "GavsWorld Website Template" v2.23.3

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[ Page last updated Fri 5th Apr 2024 | viewed 4820 times ]