Photo Album - 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef

A life long ambition - to dive on the Great Barrier Reef which I did on my honeymoon.

( Click on images for a bigger view. )

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0794.jpg

Blue Spotted Stingray

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0817.jpg

Lion Fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0820.jpg


Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0831.jpg

Fishies, fishies everywhere

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0834.jpg

A big school of fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0840.jpg

Masked Puffer Fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0850.jpg

Big Turtle

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0881.jpg

Reef Shark

Although it was too far away to get a good photo of.

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0894.jpg

Lion Fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0897.jpg

I found Nemo (Clown fish)

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0900.jpg


Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0903.jpg

Giant Clam

That's it ... just behind my buddy Yukari.

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0905.jpg

Bump Head Parrot Fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0911.jpg

Bump Head Parrot Fish

Sleeping in a big group for safety - even though they are huge!

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0915.jpg

Anemone dwelling fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0923.jpg

Turtle feeding on coral

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0925.jpg

Turtle feeding on coral

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0928.jpg

Bump Head Parrot Fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0934.jpg

Bump Head Parrot Fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0935.jpg

Puffer Fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0938.jpg

Colourful wee thingy

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0945.jpg


Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0948.jpg


Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0951.jpg

Fish with camoflage and teeth

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0953.jpg

Puffer Fish

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0956.jpg


Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0959.jpg

A thing in hiding

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0962.jpg


Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0967.jpg

Fish with camoflage and teeth

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0971.jpg

Fan Coral

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0975.jpg

Colourful wee thingy

Album 2009-07 Great Barrier Reef Photo img_0976.jpg

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[ Page last updated Sun 14th Jan 2018 | viewed 1037 times ]