2010-02-19 : Website Template Updated : v2.13.0


  1. Added social bookmarking icons that appear on each page.
  2. Added the default_timezone since PHP >= 5.1 wants this for any time function calls.
  3. Added the ability to hide the website title on the page - usefull if you have the name already on the background image.

New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)

  1. $my_timezone
  2. $my_enable_social_bookmarking
  3. $my_main_title_hide

Bug Fixes

  1. Stopped a filemtime call on Home.html if it did not exist under the condition of there being a Home.php, News.php and a valid news feed.

See the downloads page.

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[ Page last updated Sat 4th Jan 2020 | viewed 598 times ]