Raspberry Pi Kitchen Jukebox [gav-pi1]

Raspberry Pi Pibow

This particular Pi has been used in may locations. It is now the kitchen Music Player Daemon (MPD) jukebox, since Helen doesn't like the user interface on the Philips Streamium WAS6050/05. However, since the Streamium has an AUX input, I thought I'd hook up a Pi, run MPD and allow her to select music via MPDroid on her phone.

It was extremely simple to set up (in fact it only took half an hour)...

  1. Plug an SDHC card into desktop PC (or laptop).
  2. Download and install Raspbian Lite (no need to have the full blown desktop) to the card.
  3. Plug the SDHC card into the Raspberry Pi and power up, letting it re-size the SD card and then reboot.
  4. Configure the hostname, locale and audio output with:
  5. Reboot.
  6. Update the system
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
  7. Create NFS mount point for the music share.
    sudo mkdir /home/music
    sudo nano /etc/fstab
    In my case, /etc/fstab looks like this
    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat defaults 0 2
    /dev/mmcblk0p2 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1
    # a swapfile is not a swap partition, no line here
    # use dphys-swapfile swap[on|off] for that

    # NFS mounts from v-ger
    v-ger:/export/music /home/music nfs auto,bg,noacl,noatime,nodiratime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 0 0
  8. Mount the music share
    sudo mount /home/music
  9. Install the Music Player Daemon:
    sudo apt install mpd
  10. Configure /etc/mpd.conf to suit network / music setup (the default ALSA output should be good as it is)
    sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf
    The things that you'll want to change are the "music_directory" and an "audio_output" - I used the ALSA example to produce this:
    audio_output {
      type "alsa"
      name "Stereo -> Amp"
      device "hw:0,0"
      format "44100:16:2"
      mixer_type "none"
  11. Restart MPD
    sudo service mpd restart
  12. Install a Music Player Client, connect and listen!


Case: Pimoroni's PiBow
Board: Rapsberry Pi B-model (version 2.0)
SoC: Broadcom BCM2835
CPU: ARM1176JZF-S (ARM11, ARMv6Z arch) @ 700 MHz
GPU: Broadcom VideoCore IV @ 250 MHz
RAM: 512MiBytes SDRAM
Storage: Sandisk Ultra, class 10 (8GByte SDHC)
External Sound: Philips Streamium WAS6050/05
Monitor: none.
Keyboard / Mouse: none

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[ Page last updated Sun 7th Jun 2020 | viewed 1062 times ]