Eee 4G (701) Software Mods (Xandros)
(after fresh install from recovery media)
The first time I did one of the things mentioned below, namely when I copied the files from the writable partition to the [once] read only partition when removing the unionfs, I temporarily "bricked" my Eee, so I'd recommend starting from a fresh install from the recovery CD.
Files after modification:
- /home/user/
- /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xandros-udev.rules
- /etc/fstab
- /boot/grub/menu.lst
- /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Remove unionfs
This removes the read only partition and creates only one fully read/write partition.
Change the hostname
Rename the Eee to whatever you want.
Install 2Gig Kernel
(* if you have installed 2GBytes of RAM)
This allows the full 2 gigabytes of RAM to be accessed.
Install touchscreen drivers
(* if you have a touchscreen installed)
This will get the touchscreen to actually do something usefull.
Move Right Shift Key
(* if you've physically shifted the keys)
This swaps the up/PgUp key with right shift and the down/PgDn with
right/End key.
Set up other Repositories
This allows quick access to loads of software.
Install Full Desktop
This allows the use of full KDE desktop.
Change Kicker Launch Icon
This shrinks the Kicker "Launch" button to free up a lot of space on the task bar.
Maximize Screenspace
Well it's a small screen, so let's have as much space as possible.
Automount the Flash Voyager on /home/user/My Documents
Saves destroying the internal SSD with lots of writes to "My Documents"
Then make it unmount the Flash Voyager properly!
Stops file corruption if you're saving a big file and then put it to sleep or shutdown. Need the following repository set up first in "/etc/apt/suurces" to install "lsof"
Write to SD cards as user
By default, only root can write to them.
Adjust Screensaver To Save Battery
Switches off the LCD backlight when the screensaver kicks in.
Control The Webcam
Allows swtiching the webcam on/off from the taskbar.
Configure the buttons on a Logitech VX Nano Mouse
(* do I need to say ... only if you have a VX Nano mouse?)
Allows access to the forward / back buttons.
Watch DVDs
(* you obviously need a USB external DVD reader)
This adds the libdvdcss to decode DVDs.
Upgrading OpenOffice
Install the latest version of OpenOffice.
Adding UK English dictionary to OpenOffice
We don't do American spellings!
Upgrade Pidgin
Install the latest version of Pidgin.
Get Pidgin to make sounds
Pidgin instant messanger can make it's normal sounds on Eee.

Computing Power
- Acer Aspire R3700
- Acknowledgements
- Desktop PC *
- Eee PC 4G (701)
- Eee PC 901
- Gigabit Network *
- Inspiron 14 5485 Laptop *
- Kids PC 1
- Kids PC 2
- Media PC
- Mini-ITX PC
- My Useful Scripts
- Nano ITX PC
- Nook Simple Touch
- Processing Power
- Raspberry Pi
- Sharp Zaurus SL-C3200
- Storage Capacity
- The Server *
- What Is Firmware