Content Pages

This page's vital information:

  • Physical location: ./pages/00_Home/Content Pages.html
  • Link here with: <a href="?page=Content Pages">

Content may either be in the form of XHTML (with file extension *.html or *.htm), PHP (with extension *.php) or text (with extension *.txt). Note that the software is case sensitive though, so keep the extensions lower case.

So, either hand crank your XHTML pages or use some software for producing XHTML files like Mozilla Seamonkey, however note that this produces HTML, not XHTML so you will have to correct the slight differences manually.

I'm not going to even contemplate talking about php / html / xhtml - there is plenty of reading material out there. All I will say is that inside ./pages are two template files: template.html and template.php for hand coding.

The <index.php> script will parse any html file, but the IMPORTANT thing is that the two tags it looks for, <body> and </body> must be on lines on their own, not contain any other characters and be lower case (an XHTML requirement). Simple really.

The heading tags <h1> and <h2> have already been used in the header of this page, so just use <h3> and below. The heading above is of the <h3> style.

Since html files are generally ugly looking (unless they are hand coded), all white space at the beginning of the line will be removed and it will all be lined up with the last tag indent in the output xhtml code.

The sample php file purely shows where the <h3> header tag should be placed if you want the XHTML to indent nicely (look at the page's source code and see what I mean - you can tell that's been hand crafted and not program output!)

Within this package are some useful PHP files provided for you. Also note that News pages have a strict format. Digg Facebook Google LinkedIn LiveJournal NewsVine reddit StumbleUpon Twitter
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[ Page last updated 21:42 Thu 25th Mar 2010 | viewed 1809 times ]