Configuration of website - <setup.php>

This page's vital information:

  • Physical location: ./pages/00_Home/Configuration.html
  • Link here with: <a href="?page=Configuration">

Before you can use this package, you must copy <setup-sample.php> to <setup.php>.

This page will explain all of the variables used in the file and also which version of the software introduced them.

Variable Default Value Intro'd Description
Software Setup
$file_version["setup.php"] "2.21.2" v1.4 Index.php will use this as a sanity check, so this must match the current software release.
Personal / Company Setup
$my_main_title "My Website" v1.0 The main title for the web site.
Used on every page, generally at the top
$my_main_title_hide FALSE v2.13.0 However, if you wish to only display the title on the broswer window and not on the actual page, disable displaying of it here.
$my_sub_title "The tag line for my website" v1.0 The tag line, or sub-title for the web site
Used on every page, generally at the top, under the main title
Comment out to not display one
$my_first_name "Mr. Foo" v1.0 Author or website owner's first name
Used in the page's meta data and in the copyright statement
$my_last_name "Barr" v1.0 Author or website owner's last name
Used in the page's meta data and in the copyright statement
$my_company_name "My Company" v1.0 If you're setting up a company web site instead of a personal website, then uncomment the following line and this will override the use of $my_first_name and $my_last_name, except in the meta data for "Author"
$my_default_home_page "Home" v2.4.0 If you don't want your default page (i.e. if no parameters are passed to the website or if an unknown page is called) to be called "Home" then define it here (no file extension though)
$my_copyright_start "2008" v1.0 First year of copyright, i.e. when was the material first done Used in the page's meta data and in the copyright statement
Comment out not show any copyright information
$my_page_count_start rand(10, 30) v2.3.0 The inital value you want your page counters to show. This can be a fixed value or a random number - your choice
$my_disable_w3c_validation FALSE v2.4.0 Disable linking from the W3C validation icons (for example, if the website is behind a firewall, so that the validator cannot "see" it.
$my_timezone "Europe/London" v2.13.0 Timezone of website. Later versions of PHP complain if they don't have timezone information for certain time calls.
$my_google_site_verification_code "enter-code-here" v2.15.0 If you use the Google Webmaster tools, use this to verify your site ownership.
$my_disable_page_list FALSE v2.17.0 Disable the displaying of the page list.
Contact e-mail Setup
$my_contact_page "Contact" v2.0.0 If you rename the "Contact" page (for example, to "Contact Me" or "Contact Us") then you need to tell the software as it is used.
$my_contact_email_addr "," v1.0 $my_contact_email_addr is used on Contact.php You can have multiple e-mail addresses - just separate them with a comma
"Website feedback"
"I'd like to join your mailing list"
"I have a question"
v2.0.0 If you wish to only allow specific contact subjects, then define them here. If you wish to allow a text entry box for the subject, then ensure that all of the $my_contact_subject[] lines are commented out. If you leave the 1st entry empty, then the contact page will be able to highlight "subject" if the end user has not selected one.
array of arrays
array("Website feedback" => "") v2.0.0 E-mail re-directs : if you wish any specific subject headings (must be a perfect case-insensitive match) to be sent to different e-mail addresses then define them here. Multiple addresses can be used as above.
PayPal Donate Button
$my_paypal_donate FALSE v2.20.1 Enable the facility for a PayPal Donate button to appear above the first category heading.
$my_paypal_donate_header DONATE v2.20.1 Define the title of the donate button. This heading used will be a link to a page of the same name, so there needs to be one in /hidden_pages.
$my_paypal_donate_button_id 123456 v2.20.1 The ID of your own personal PayPal donate button.
$my_paypal_donate_image -button from PayPal- v2.20.1 Location of the PayPal button - allows costomisation.
Website Search Factility
$my_enable_search TRUE v2.11.0 If you want to disable the website serach, then set the following variable to FALSE or comment it out (default is FALSE).
Website Social Bookmarking
$my_enable_social_bookmarking TRUE v2.13.0 If you want to disable links to social bookmarking sites, then make the following variable FALSE (default is TRUE)
$my_social_follow_title "Follow Me" v2.21.0 If you have social website pages yourself (Facebook / Twitter etc) then they will appear under this title in the categories section.
$my_social_follow_me["Facebook"] = "ThyWhiteHawk";
v2.21.0 The array of social websites to "follow you."
News / Blog Feed Setup
$my_news_page "News" v2.6.0 If you want to rename "News.php" to something like "My Blog.php" then the software needs to know the new name of the file. Enter it here without the ".php" extension. Bear in mind how it will display on the pages though as sometimes it will say: "Latest Blog" or "Blog Feed Not Found" etc.
$my_max_news_feeds 10 v1.0 How many news feed items to be displayed when "News" is clicked on If a specific month is clicked, then the whole lot will show.
$my_news_old_after 14 v1.1 How old does the latest news item have to be before we consider it to be old news? Number of days here. Also used to show pages updated in "last number of days."
$my_feed_path $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; v2.20.1 In order to advertise the RSS / Atom feeds in a human readable friendly way, it's easiest to define what we want here. Otherwise you may get this sort of thing - whereas this may be more preferable - So define it here (minus the http:// and the atom.php / rss.php)
Web Page Display Setup
$my_stats_active TRUE v2.0.0 Page view stats - enable / disable it here
$my_stats_date_format "H:i D jS M Y" v2.0.0 Date format for displaying page "last update" time. See date() in the php manual for full description here: However, "H:i D jS M Y" will give results like "21:43 Thu 1st Jan 2009"
"Site Map"
v1.0 Pages that you want to appear in the header menu. Remember that they are case sensitive!
$my_website_header "My Websites" v1.0 Any of you other web sites that you wish to have in the "categories" panel. If you don't have any, just comment out the $my_website[] lines
array of arrays
array("My Other" => "")
array("My Other2" => "")
$my_friends_website_header "Friends Websites" v1.0 Any of your friends web sites that you wish to have in the "categories" panel If you don't have any, just comment out the $my_friends_website[] lines
array of arrays
array("GavsWorld" => "")
array("Whitehawk" => "")
$my_other_website_header "Other Websites" v1.0 Any other web sites that you wish to have in the "categories" panel If you don't have any, just comment out the $my_other_website[] lines. You can also change the header that appears in the list
array of arrays
array("PHP" => "")
array("XHTML" => "")
array("CSS" => "")
array of arrays
array("Page Name" => "./text_files/the_file.txt") v1.3 Any special re-directs for page update checking go here. For example, if you have a php file that calls up a text file full of data and it's the text file that will be updated, then create a re-direct in the form:
Style Sheet Setup
$my_default_page_style "pencils" v1.0 Default cascading style sheet
"photo_albums.css" v2.11.0 If you have any extra special style sheets, define them here. Note that the default / selectable style sheet will be loaded *first* and that they *must* live in the ./style_sheets/extra directory.
This has been updated at v2.11.0 to "photo_albums.php" to allow the new example photo album to display nicely. Previously this was commented out (from v2.0.0 onwards).
array of arrays
array("10_Gadgets/30_My New Toy" => "blue") v2.0.0 Set up any style sheet changes from default. This is on a page by page basis and the page listed here must match *exactly* how the page is called, i.e. ?page=10_Gadgets/30_My New Toy For the style sheet, don't enter the ".css" extension
array of arrays
array("Text Viewer" => "wide")
array("Website Stats" => "wide")
v1.0 Set up any style sheet width enforcements, i.e. if a page *must* be displayed with the wide_*.css style sheet. So, define the page names in arrays. Valid widths are "" and "wide" Note that this will affect the $my_force_css override too.
$my_image_width["pencils"] 540 v1.2 Depending on your style sheet, the image width used in Image.php may be different. Define them here, using the style name as the array index.
$my_image_width["wide_pencils"] 764
$my_image_width["blue"] 560
$my_image_width["wide_blue"] 784
$my_allow_style_change TRUE v1.0 Do you want to let web users change the style of the page? Obviously, you have to supply the style sheets in ./style_sheets/* but you can lock it down or not depending on the next variable (TRUE / FALSE)
$my_cookie_name "MyWebsitePageStyle" v1.0 This is the name of the cookie for holding the page style Set it to something like your website name, but DO NOT have any spaces _s or -s in it.
array("image_to_display" => "src") array("image_name_to_display" => "alt") array("textfile_to_display" => "src") array("mode_to_display" => "mode") array("news_year_to_display" => "news_year") array("news_month_to_display" => "news_month") v1.0 If you have enabled the style changes, the pages need to know which form variables to pass back to the page. Define any of your variables here. If not, just comment out the $my_style_form_pass definitions
Cookie Consent Form
$my_cookie_consent FALSE v2.21.0 If you use cookies (or 3rd party cookies) you need to inform the user.
$my_cookie_message "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on this website" v2.21.0 The message presented to the user informing them of cookies.
$my_cookie_dismiss "Got it!" v2.21.0 The wording of the dismiss button.
$my_cookie_learnmore "More info" v2.21.0 The wording of the "learn more" link.
$my_cookie_link "?page=Cookies" v2.21.0 The link to the page informing the user about cookie use on the site.
$my_cookie_theme "light-bottom" v2.21.1 The style of the cookie consent form:
[light|dark]-[top|bottom|floating] Digg Facebook Google LinkedIn LiveJournal NewsVine reddit StumbleUpon Twitter
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[ Page last updated 21:30 Fri 29th Jan 2016 | viewed 2526 times ]