2009-01-15 : Website Template Updated : v2.0.0


  1. Optional page stats can be displayed at the bottom of the page body with date modification time and a hit counter. New variables in <setup.php> to control this. A wee cheat on creating the initial stats files though - a random number between 10 and 30 is chosen ... but you'd never know ;-) The stats are recorded regardless if they are displayed, so you have the option at a later date (with the actual numbers), if they are not displayed initially.
  2. Added the ability to include extra style sheets which can be defined in <setup.php>. They must live in the <./style_sheets/extra> directory.
  3. Added the ability to do a complete change of style sheet, not just wide or narrow. The order of precidence ("i" is highest level) for final style sheet selected is as follows:
    1. $my_force_css_width
    2. $my_force_css
    3. Cookie style sheet (if allowable)
    4. $my_default_page_style
  4. Tidied up the <title> and <meta description> by removing leading numbers in the case of numerically sorted pages.
  5. Added a Text Viewer page for displaying text files in the standard layout. There is an option to display as code which adds line numbers.
  6. Managed to get the pages displaying better in IE 6 and below (CSS changes).
  7. Constructed a more informative demo website to explain the workings of the software.
  8. Contact form now accepts pre-defined subjects (if defined in <setup.php>) and also has the ability to re-direct e-mails for a particular subject to a different e-mail address (again defined in <setup.php>).
  9. Changing the name of the "Contact" page now updates any links in the pages, assuming you change the variable in <setup.php>

New Setup Variables (see <setup-sample.php> for details)

  1. $my_contact_page
  2. $my_contact_subject[]
  3. $my_contact_redirect
  4. $my_stats_active
  5. $my_stats_date_format
  6. $my_extra_style_sheet[]
  7. $my_force_css[]

Bug Fixes

  1. HTML pages displayed will no longer display empty lines from the file.
  2. The "acknowledgement" screens for the <Contact> page were hard coded to display "Gavin" on the page. A couple of string replacements that I missed when making the software generic. It will use $my_company_name if it is defined in <setup.php> like the rest of the page does.
    (Thanks to Bruce Levick for spotting this one too.)

See the downloads page.

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[ Page last updated 22:31 Mon 14th Sep 2015 | viewed 803 times ]